Anti-Diet #3: Paleo

“If a caveman didn’t eat it, neither should you.”  This diet limits you to meats/fish, nuts, and plants (fruits and vegetables).  So pasta, cereal, bread, rice, legumes (beans and peanuts), potatoes, grains, oatmeal, and dairy are a no-no.



How does it work?

The premise is that “back in the caveman days,” humans did not eat any grains, so it shouldn’t be in our diet.  The belief is that our bodies are not meant to process industrial-era foods.  The diet eliminates processed foods and sugars but also any other type of grain.  They believe that “carbs are not essential.” The expectation is that with the elimination of all grains, you will lose weight.


What does research say?

There are some research articles that report that the Paleo diet can help lower blood sugars and reduce body weight.

However, do we know that our prehistoric ancestors were healthier than us?  We know they did not live longer.  We have also clearly adapted to be able to metabolize grains (only 1% of the US population has celiac disease) or dairy (12% of Americans have lactose intolerance but can still eat some dairy foods such as cheese).  The idea of eliminating whole grains, dairy, and legumes from the diet just doesn’t make sense.  Beans are a great source of fiber and protein.  Whole grains are also a great source of fiber, vitamins and minerals.  Whole grains have also been shown to lower risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other health complications.  We are also recommended to eat 5-6 servings of whole grains a day, but yet you are supposed to cut them out?


What’s the verdict?

Need I say it again?  Balance is key!  Cutting out entire food groups typically leads to the feeling of deprivation and eventually binging.  Additionally, whole grains, beans, legumes, and dairy are so good for you- why would you want to cut them out?!

As always, questions are welcome!

Stay balanced!

xo BBB






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